The Group by clause is used to divide the table into multiple groups based on the specified columns.
The having clause is used to specify the condition placed on the groups.
Question 1: Display the total fee collected.
Answer: Select sum (fee paid) from students;
Question 2: Display the total fee collected from the Madiwala branch.
Answer: Select sum (fee paid) from students where branch = 'madiwala'
Question 3: Display the branch wise collection in the following formats:
KarveNagar | 20000 |
Madiwala | 28000 |
Macerthali | 12000 |
Select sum (fee paid) from student group by branch;
Question 4: Select branch, sum (fee paid) from student group by branch.
Question 5: Select branch as "Branch Name", sum (fee paid) "Total collection" from student group by branch.
Question 6: Display the fee collected from KarveNagar and Madiwala branch.
Select sum ( Fee paid) from students where branch in ('madiwala', 'KarveNagar');
Select branch as "Branch Name", sum (fee paid) "Total collection" from student group by branch having branch in ('madiwala', 'KarveNagar');
Question 7: Display the city wise fee balances in the following format:
City Name | Total Balance |
KarveNagar | 20000 |
Madiwala | 28000 |
Macerthali | 12000 |
Select city as "City Name ", Sum (fee paid) as "Total Balance" from student group by city;
Question 8: Display city as "City Name" sum (fee balance) as "Total Balance " from student group by city.